5 Primary Responsibilities of an HOA Board

5 Primary Responsibilities of an HOA Board

Arizona has one of the highest number of homeowner associations (HOA) in the country with 31.1% of its residences being part of an HOA. If you live in the capital of Phoenix with the largest population in the state, you will most likely be a part of one.

If you are moving to or living in a community with an HOA, then you should be aware of the responsibilities of the HOA board . Who knows, you may want to become one of the volunteers.

Start with this list of the five primary roles of HOA trustees.

1. Common Area Maintenance

While private property is usually cared for by residents, a community association may be in charge of maintaining common areas. This includes landscaping, fixing sidewalks, and performing road construction.

The board will also clean and maintain areas like clubhouses and pools while providing security for these areas.

Maintenance sometimes covers residential tasks such as mowing the lawns if decided by the community.

2. Financial Management

A major role of the HOA board is managing the budget and financial records. They will collect HOA fees, make payments for expenses, and allocate funds. The board can also raise HOA fees, which average between $50 to $1,000 and year and can ask for emergency funds.

Members will vote on a treasury budget and a treasurer is in charge of record-keeping and dispersing voted-on funds. However, the entire board is responsible for making financial decisions, according to the needs of the community.

3. Policy Enforcement and Awareness

Being part of a community means adhering to a code of conduct, whether this means picking up after your pet or ensuring that your lawn is clear of objects. However, it is the board that decides which type of policies to enforce and the consequences of breaking the rules.

In some cases, HOA evictions are decided by the board to make sure the community is safe. Making residents aware of these policies helps keep the value of homes in the community higher as one unsightly home can reflect badly on the whole area.

4. HOA Manager Hiring

While the board makes many decisions, they aren't always responsible for delegating or performing tasks. Instead, they might hire a professional to do HOA management for them.

This can either be an individual or an HOA property management service. Using a service helps volunteers manage the HOA so it is much easier and more proficient. The company or manager has experience with running a community and works with the HOA to put policies into action.

5. Community Events and Activity Planning

One enjoyable task conducted by the HOA is event and activity planning. They may organize holiday parties, community mingling events, and activities for families.

This role helps bring the community together so that neighbors can meet each other and enjoy the amenities of the complex.

HOA Board Member Resources

Managing an HOA board can be difficult because it is an organization of many types of people who all volunteer their time. To make things easier, a property management service offers tools to make budgets, organize legal documents, and process work orders all on one platform.

Find out how you can improve your HOA by contacting us today.
